Organize your network in VidiCenter – Part 2.3 : Location



3. Location

At the location level, you have many ways to give details and qualify your locations better.
Since the location is the virtual equivalent of a screen, you can be as precise as you want to describe this screen. 

Here is what you can do to organize your location:

Name and description

When naming a location, think of what you want to see when you create charts and when you do your monitoring. You can come up with a nomenclature that you will keep throughout your network to keep it as clear as possible.

For instance, you could decide to name “MSG – Window screen” the screen that is on the window in the Madison Square Garden site.

You can also add a description to make it easier to remember important things about it.


Add metadata

You also have a section on each location page called Metadata. 

This is where you can define more finely yourlocation, with a location type, but also other information about the installation.

Move a location to another site

By default, all locations created will appear in the default site called VidiReports.

To move these locations, go on the Location page, and choose the new site you want to move the location to. The location will now be placed in this site. It will remain linked to the box, since a box only belongs to a location.

Move a location to another network

As a VidiCenter user, you cannot create a network. If you want to have another network, please contact your Regional Manager.

If you already have different network and want to move your location from one network to the other, go to the location page, click on Change Network, select the network you want to move the location to and select the site. Click Submit.
It will remain linked to the box, since a box only belongs to a location.

Please note that you cannot change a site from one network to the other, if you need to do so, please contact your RM.

Delete a location

If you created a location by mistake, you can simply delete it by going on the location page and scrolling down to the “Delete” button.

If you delete a location, it will be placed in a trash site, and it will no longer be part of your exports. If you still want to keep the location in the exports, but if the location is not running VidiReports anymore, you need to inactivate it.

Inactivate a location

You had a location that ran well for a given amount of time (for a POC for instance), but it is not collecting data anymore. 

A location that does not receive data will raise an alert, but you don’t want this one to raise an alert, because it is not supposed to receive data anymore. If that is the case, you can simply inactivate the location.

That way, VidiCenter will know that the location is inactive, but it will still be part of your charts and your exports if it has data during the period of interest.

An inactive location will no longer accept data. So if it was inactivated by mistake and the box still collects data, as long as the data cannot be inserted in a location in VidiCetner, it will remain on the box. So you can reactivate your box, and all the data that was stored on the box will be sent to the location.
Be aware that deleting a location does not delete the associated box (and vice versa), so you will also need to delete the box.

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