Simple scenario – Create your scenario in VidiStudio (2)



Link the states using triggers

In the previous step, you have created 4 different states.
You now want to link them with triggers, so that the scenario will go from one state to the other if a condition is accomplished. 

When you hover a state with your mouse, a little blue dot appear on the middle of the bottom side.
Click on it and drag and drop it to the state you want to g to next. This will create trigger between the two states.
As soon as the trigger is created, a pop up window appears to let you define what conditions should be associated with that trigger.
In this case, you want to say “if there is at least one kid”. The corresponding trigger would be “whose age is at most 18” (you can change that age to whatever you like), and in terms of audience “are at least one”. (the condition could be “are all female” and in that case, the trigger would become true only if there are only girls under 18 in front of the screen).


Repeat this step for other triggers
Just like you did the first time, hover the initial state with your mouse, and drag the trigger onto the Men state. 
As a condition, select “are mostly male”. And that’s it!
Once again, hover the initial state, drag the trigger to the Women state, and pick “are mostly female”.

NB: we did not say wht should happen in case there is as many females as men, so in that case, since no condition is true, we will stay on the Initial State. If we want, we can drag a new trigger and drop it in a state we like (you can have several triggers liking two states, that have different conditions), and say “are as many males as females”.

Important note

In VidiStudio, from the moment you create a draft, it auto-saves. So if you make a change and close VidiStudio, next time you open VidiStudio, the change will still be here. If you are unhappy about your change, you have to edit it (you can also use the arrow “cancel previous action” if you just did the change). 

If you are about to make a dary change and you don’t want to lose the state of your scenario, you can save it under a given name, and then save it again with another name: only the version on which you are working will carry the changes, you will be able to use the first scenario you saved that did not go through all those changes.

Test your scenario

It is time to try your scenario!
So far, you have created everything, but not had yet the opportunity to test that it is working.
Now is the time!
Make sure that VidiReports is running (you can check in your Task Manager or go to Chrome, type localhost:81 in the url bar. You will be asked a username and a password – by default admin and secret and you will see the control center of your instance of VidiReports).

VidiReports is running on your compuer, so you can try your scenario: it will listen to the information passed by VidiReports, and change the content depending on that. To test your scenario, click on the little “play” button quickly. This will open your scenario in Googe Chrome and in debug mode (it will show the video feed and the state name, to help you understand what is happening).

With what you have seen in mind, you probably have new ideas about how to improve your scenario.
Go to the next chapter to discover ways to improve this scenario.

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